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Jazzyjack thirty November 02 - xi:44 PM
Invitee,Anahootz, naked and cookieless in AK 01 Dec 02 - 01:12 AM
Invitee,Paul 01 Dec 02 - 01:32 AM
DonMeixner 01 Dec 02 - 01:58 AM
GUEST,Nick 01 Dec 02 - 02:56 AM
Songsmith 01 Dec 02 - 03:03 AM
Mudlark 01 Dec 02 - 03:43 AM
Roger the Skiffler 01 December 02 - 03:44 AM
Chip2447 01 December 02 - 05:32 AM
Chip2447 01 Dec 02 - 05:35 AM
banjomad (inactive) 01 Dec 02 - 05:41 AM
Oaklet 01 Dec 02 - 06:09 AM
Jerry Rasmussen 01 Dec 02 - 06:33 AM
EBarnacle1 01 Dec 02 - xi:eighteen AM
GUEST,coinwolf 01 Dec 02 - 11:24 AM
dorareever 01 Dec 02 - 11:39 AM
dick greenhaus 01 Dec 02 - 12:03 PM
katlaughing 01 December 02 - 12:x PM
blackness walnut 01 Dec 02 - 12:11 PM
Genie 01 Dec 02 - 12:39 PM
CarolC 01 Dec 02 - 02:xiii PM
Jazzyjack 01 Dec 02 - 02:22 PM
Genie 01 Dec 02 - 02:25 PM
RangerSteve 01 Dec 02 - 02:29 PM
Jim Krause 01 December 02 - 02:48 PM
bigchuck 01 Dec 02 - 03:35 PM
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Mudlark 18 Mar 03 - x:15 PM
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Roger the Skiffler 19 Mar 03 - 03:49 AM
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curmudgeon 19 Mar 03 - 05:44 PM
Bill D 19 Mar 03 - 05:59 PM
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Subject: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Jazzyjack
Appointment: 30 November 02 - xi:44 PM

Yep I know this must accept been done earlier and may bore everyone to tears, simply I'm new ( but non new at all to folk music ). I would like to know something nearly you cats to see where y'all're coming from so a) what's your instrument   b) what and where exercise you play.
I play a Martin D3R ( a cheaper version of the D35 ). There are no fewer than 10 folk societies that concur monthly open stages near me here on Vancouver Island, Canada and I am trying to host 2 others in a restaurant and a nightclub. I practise nigh an equal amount of finger picking and strumming and well-nigh of my fabric is from Canadian folksingers which I promise to promote to those of you lot unfamilar with them.

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Subject: RE: BS: What Yous Cats Play
From: Invitee,Anahootz, naked and cookieless in AK
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 01:12 AM

I play a Martin d-28, but only when I play guitar.
I play a host of mandolins, including a Hughes, a Coleson, a Silver Angel, and a Docy, only again, only when I am playing mandolin.

I play all of these, in combination, wherever and whenever I can, and with whomever I can become to stay in the same identify for a chip.

I just got back from "novemberfest" a small gathering in town, after picking for five hours in a few workshops, on a stage, in a bathroom, and a big closet.

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Discipline: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Guest,Paul
Appointment: 01 Dec 02 - 01:32 AM

I too play a guitar. Sometimes I play the fool.

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: DonMeixner
Engagement: 01 Dec 02 - 01:58 AM

Guild F-xxx

Martin's O 16-NY and JC 16 GTE

Yamaha FG 180 Ruddy Label

Ode Long neck 5 String

Harmony Sovereign five

Os Appalachian 15 with melodic conversions

Golden Melody Hohners

Pich, Bridge, Euchre, and Cribbage


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Bailiwick: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Guest,Nick
Date: 01 December 02 - 02:56 AM

Please tell me what Canadian Folk singers I am not aquainted with.

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Songsmith
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 03:03 AM


I play a 1997 Taylor 810-WMB and an awesome Nova Scotia built 1974 Tom Dorward Dread. I'g a Canadian singer/songwriter living and working in the Middle E. I have a good friend out your mode past the proper noun of Valdy. He's played the Dorward by the manner and endorses it as "wow! what a meaty guitar"

I'1000 looking forward to hearing about other Canadian folkies I may non know near. Bring it on.


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Subject field: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Mudlark
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 03:43 AM

Martin 016-NY, and less often, a McSpadden dulcimer. Former folkie from the early 60'south and so sing lots of Brit. Isles trad folk songs, plus some 20'south-xl's, plus some contemporary folk music. My playing ability falls far curt of my passion for this music, alas, merely I keep to struggle with barre chords.

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Bailiwick: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 03:44 AM

I play Washboard, kazoo (and the fool) all in the privacy of my padded jail cell.

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Subject: RE: BS: What You lot Cats Play
From: Chip2447
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 05:32 AM

Got my Katie, a little Harmony guitar whose Auburn dorsum, bold voice and fiesty temper suggested her name. She'south a little el cheapo japanese model, but the best sounding lil inexpensive geetar that I've ever heard. Unfortunatly, I don't play well at all.
Then theres tranquillity Molly, who is another very inexpenisve guitar, I hesitate to telephone call Molly cheap, she'south been a friend for a long time. Molly had some bug a few years back, her abdomen pooched out, and her neck was confused, and she was starting to take a nervous break downwards (she was coming unglued}. She needed bridge piece of work and some tlc. Tranquillity Molly permit me try my hand at putting her dorsum together. I'one thousand quite pleased with her now, she'south mellow and sweet sounding, and I've been complimented several times by Existent players on how she sounds and plays.
So we come to my babies, I am an affirmed Ocarinageek having some   xx or 25 ocarinas right now, from the tiny soprano Simone to BIG BERTHA the bass, {looks like you are kissing a big turtle when y'all play her}
Along with those two I have near every size in between including Isabella the baritone with the Haunting, meloncholy voice.

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Subject area: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Chip2447
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 05:35 AM

OOPS, got carried way with the return cardinal...
On these little beauties I play everyting from stone and roll to traditional angloe celtic. The tune volume that I'm putting together has some where in the neighborhood of 200 tunes in it right now ans more alsways waiting in the queue to go far.


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Subject field: RE: BS: What You lot Cats Play
From: banjomad (inactive)
Appointment: 01 December 02 - 05:41 AM

I play a Vega Whyte Laydie short calibration tenor banjo,
a Paul Shippey oval pigsty mandolin,
Fylde mandolin and Fylde mandola,
all great instruments only mostly I also play the fool[ very well ]

Thanks, Dave

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Field of study: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Oaklet
Engagement: 01 Dec 02 - 06:09 AM

At the moment, I am playing a dreadful loan instrument whilst my beloved and curvaceous Klotz re-create fiddle is being restored. It was handed to me by its creator with the news that it was his last exam slice at the Newark school of instrument making. I am not ungreatful, but I had to inquire him very pointedly if he passed!

It makes noises though.

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Subject: RE: BS: What Yous Cats Play
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 06:33 AM

I have 4 acoustic guitars, two electrical guitars, a mandola, a mandolin or two, a fiddle, two or three banjos, a banjo-mandolin and diverse and sundry other stuff. I can retrieve the makes on some of them, some don't have a brand name on them, and I haven't the faintest idea what model numbers any of them are. The music that comes out of them is only as good every bit the music that comes out of me. They fit me well and play what I hear in my head. For someone who is primarily a singer, who rarely plays with other musicians, the sound of the instrument is most important to me, and the model number isn't necessarily the all-time measure out of that. I bought an Alvarez Signature guitar (1 of the few instruments I can remember the proper name AND model, a few years ago and was fortunate plenty to exist able to play four or five of them and selection the one that sounded all-time. They were all the same model and the same cost, simply there was a fair range of sound to them (to my ears.)

Vi years ago, I bought an electrical guitar... a Hamer. I never heard of the name before. I played a one-half a dozen different brands and models of guitars in the shop, some with makes yous'd recognize. But, the Hamer sounded amend than whatsoever other guitar I played in the store, and so I bought it. I also liked the look of information technology and its Cherry Scarlet color. For electrical guitars, I've seen models for a thousand dollars that I wouldn't be defenseless dead playing considering in my eyes they look ridiculously stupid.

The most gifted musician I always knew, or heard was Luke Faust. He could play the cheapest, warped neck mexican guitar and go far sing sweeter than any $3,000.00 brand name. Plywood topped mandolins sounded like Gibsons in his hands. I've heard people play Gibson mandolins, and all that came out of them were a lot of notes. For a long time, his only guitar was a cheap nylon cord mexican guitar someone left backside when they crashed in his apartment. The neck was pulling away from the trunk, so the action was a mite high, so he asked me to ready it. I ended up accidently breaking the neck from the body, trying to fix it, but got it re-attached with the activeness lowered to a reasonable level, and he played that guitar for a long time. I had to have better instruments than Luke did, because the music inside of me wasn't as good as his, so I had to recoup..


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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: EBarnacle1
Appointment: 01 Dec 02 - xi:eighteen AM

English concertina, Wheatstone model E2. I spent more than than a year haunting every music shop and hock shop I saw. When I came to Bronen's in the Bronx, I walked in and saw a collection of the usual mother of toilet seat anglo'due south but asked anyway. the clerk brought out what is now my concertina, Virginia. I tried her and found everything to be in good working order. They asked $250 and I put downward a deposit, proverb I would exist back the next day. [This before anybody had 3 or 4 credit cards.]

When I came back, the shop owner asked me to take $250 on top of my deposit. I refused and stuck to the deal because I could not afford what he really wanted.

I take tried many other instruments [and even owned two others] but have always come back to Virginia.

In improver, I play the kazoo [And then many songs seem to demand it!] and am learning the full sized xylophone that I found in a dumpster. I may fifty-fifty bring it out in public in the next year or two.

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Field of study: RE: BS: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Guest,coinwolf
Date: 01 Dec 02 - xi:24 AM

I am blind in one eye, but accept ane leg and play the fiddle.
I vanquish the rhythm with my wooden leg and tail!


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Subject: RE: BS: What You lot Cats Play
From: dorareever
Appointment: 01 Dec 02 - 11:39 AM

I play myself..*lol* no,information technology doesn't sound very good if I tell it like that ;)...I hateful,I sing.

I play rhytm guitar too,if you desire an instrument.
I have lots of other instruments I tin can play badly or I tin can't play at all: an electric bass guitar,a violin,a tin can whistle,a 4-cord banjo,two maracas,an harmonica,my former middle school recorder (I can play information technology still...a chip...but I don't similar recorders much :( and it's made of plastic,bleah!!)...bass and banjo and perchance harmonica I judge I will effort to larn ameliorate...the balance I don't know...I judge I'll keep ownership and/or storing things I can't play ;) Is similar a fever,if I have coin and I am in a music store I have to buy something...thw violin I didn't buy information technology,I'm not so crazy.I only buy inexpensive instruments.

My cats don't play.They trip the light fantastic instead.And sleep on guitars.One is not very interested in music,the other likes Johnny Greenbacks but overall music isn't their chief interest.They capeesh my voice and guitar playing,but they hate harmonica sounds.;)

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 12:03 PM

Hey Jerry-
Do you know whatever happened to Luke Faust? I haven't seen him in 45 years.

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Subject: RE: BS: What Y'all Cats Play
From: katlaughing
Engagement: 01 December 02 - 12:x PM

To all of the newbies in this thread: Welcome to the Mudcat!

coinwolf, love that pegleg! Looks like a actually nice fest.

Mount/Apple-lay-shun/Lap dulcimer "Peaches", sometimes fiddle (need to exercise!), Navajo flute, voice box:-)and I've a baritone uke I need to restring got it, practice (the 3 chords I know on it!*bg*)


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Subject: RE: BS: What You lot Cats Play
From: black walnut
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 12:11 PM

Hi Jazzyjack. I'grand in Toronto. I play Celtic harp (Josephus, made in B.C.), dulcimer (Bear Meadow, made in Rochester), piano (old and broken), and a bit of open-string guitar and things.

I sing at vocal circle, and accept been known to perform at open stages, benefits, weddings and choral concerts, often with my music partner guitarist Jeff Morrison.

My daytime passion is educational activity early babyhood music to children ages 3 months to three years, with their grownups.

I am in the middle of recording a CD of early on childhood music for Merriweather Records at Ken Whiteley's studio. The musicians who have joined me and then far include Ben Grossman (percussion), Kirk Elliot (fiddle and Irish whistle), Arnie Naiman (banjo), Kathy Reid-Naiman (dulcimer and voice), and Ken himself, playing everything from soup to nuts (piano, accordian, bass, teacup.....). I'm having the time of my life!

I am very proud of the Canadian folk music community. We take great talent in this country. I have had Eileen McGann and David Francey, with Dave Clarke, do firm concerts in my living room. Other folk heros of mine include Bruce Cockburn, Don Ross, Katherine Wheatley and Rick Fines.

I attend many folk festivals every summer, and one of my favourites was the Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2001.


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Subject: RE: BS: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Genie
Engagement: 01 Dec 02 - 12:39 PM

My oldest and favorite guitar is an old Martin 00018. I use that for most song circles, jams, and gigs where I really want the guitar to sound proficient and don't need to dilate it.
For my everyday work (playing and singing at retirement and nursing homes and senior centers, etc.) and whenever I need to dilate the guitar and don't think a mic will piece of work well, I play a cutaway acoustic-electric Sigma (roughly the same size and shape as the Martin).
I like direct-ins for amplifying my guitar, since I move around a lot when I play and sing, and it'southward really hard to go along a guitar mic positioned properly.
I likewise have about eight more guitars (a Martin Backpacker, a three/iv size Ibanez, two dreadnought style flattops, an electric, an Takamine Jasmine cutaway acoustic-electric nylon-cord, an Alvarez that's the same size and shape as my Martin but needs a peg replaced, and an old Gibson LGO which is nice to play but doesn't stay in tune very well, and some other Sigma which I play when I'm in San Diego).

The Backpacker has turned out to be quite user-friendly for keeping by the estimator when I'1000 working on sail music or lyric/chord sheets. The Ibanez is great for travelling when a full size guitar would be besides unwieldy. I haven't really learned to play the electrical yet, but I want to. Several of the others I'd like to sell, merely I haven't got effectually to it yet. It'southward nice to go on 1 or ii of the cheaper guitars on stands in the firm, though, so I tin can grab one when I want to plunk out a tune. (I like to keep the better guitars in their cases so the cats can't knock them over.)

For fun, I play at jams and song circles in Seattle, Portland, and (a few times a year) in San Diego, as well as at the various folk singer gatherings in the Pacific NW (RainyCamp, SunnyCamp, Military camp Runamuck, Singtime Frolics, etc.) and at NW Folklife Festival in Seattle on Memorial Solar day weekend.

Come play music with us "due south of the border" sometime, JJ--OK?


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Field of study: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: CarolC
Engagement: 01 Dec 02 - 02:13 PM

Welcome to the Mudcat Jazzyjack.

I play a beautiful 120 bass, 41 central "Super Midget", Italian pianoforte accordion. The dealer who sold it to me thinks it was built at the Crucianelli manufactory. It's about 1/2 the size of most other 120 bass, twoscore+ key piano accordions, and it has equally sweet a sound as whatsoever accordion I've ever heard.

My favorite music to play is traditional Finnish music, but I likewise play some pieces from England, Scotland, France, Canada, and the Usa. I recently married a native Newfoundlander, and he's been instruction me some of the traditional music of that amazing place.

I sometimes play at jam sessions and open mics, but mostly I play at home here in Georgia (USA).

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Jazzyjack
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 02:22 PM

To Nick and black walnut; Go on the spider web and become aquainted with Eileen Laverty, Todd Butler, Tim Williams Kristin Sweetland and Andy Ruszel. These are Canadian artists with totally different styles. I as well am keen on Americans Jack Williams, Jonelle Mosser and Kathleen Wilhoite.

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Field of study: RE: BS: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Genie
Engagement: 01 Dec 02 - 02:25 PM

And, oh, JJ, you asked WHAT (music) we play, besides. If I Tin sing and play information technology and I LIKE it, I do. Don't intendance if it's folk, show tunes, Gospel, R&B, reggae, show tunes, rock 'due north' curlicue, semi-classical, Tin Pan Alley, c/west, or whatever. Judging from your chosen Mudcat "handle," sounds like y'all may venture from the "strictly folk" fold PRN, besides, eh?

Welcome aboard.


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Subject area: RE: BS: What You lot Cats Play
From: RangerSteve
Engagement: 01 Dec 02 - 02:29 PM

Mostly I play a Deering 5 string banjo - the Vega copy, Lee Oscar harmonicas, an Oscar Schmidt autoharp, and a Gibson tenor guitar from effectually 1954. I accept a Cort 6 cord guitar that I'chiliad learning to play, and I keep a Saga banjeurine past my computer for playing while I'm waiting for things to download.

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: bigchuck
Appointment: 01 Dec 02 - 03:35 PM

Oh geez; Taylor 710, Gibson Hummingbird, Martin 000-15S, occasionally a luthier-made 12 fret slothead Dreadnaught; 1920 Gibson A mandolin, a mando I made about ten years ago; Deering Vega Little Wonder banjo; 1910 Howe-Orme Mandola (tuned as octave mandolin); Flatiron 'zook. I play at diverse jams around home (central Vt)and with my band Woodchucks' Revenge around northern New England.


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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: KateG
Date: 01 December 02 - 04:34 PM

Mount Dulcimer (a McSpadden and a FolkRoots baritone tuned downward to G), Guitar (an Alvarez Regency Folk, laminated superlative but a really nice sound for a pocket-size-bodied starter guitar), Irish gaelic flute (one of Ralph Sweet'south redesigned six hole, keyless models), recorders (a hold-over from my days equally an early-music freak, fortunately I recovered)and in odd moments, tin whistle.

My husband plays Mandolin (a Ditson bowl-back that I constitute and had restored for him, he'southward learning fast and volition soon be in the market for something a scrap more than upwardly-to-engagement), harmonicas (Herings, but he used to love Hohner Gold Melodies till the dreaded metal allergy set in) and ocarina.

We also have an assortment of kazoos, jaw harps, shaker eggs, spoons and other musical gizmos that nosotros pick up when the mood strikes.

What practice we play? Sometime time fiddle tunes, Celtic, Sixties folkie stuff (I learned to play guitar in high school and am coming back to it later a 30 year hiatus), and just about anything else that we tin imitation or follow forth with. Blues and bluegrass are still across united states...information technology's that barre chord thang. Merely we're game, and practicing.

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Malachy
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 08:37 PM

I used to take a Gibson Hummingbird. Ma bought it for me on my 18th birthday. It met an untimely end in the back of a transit van , when a PA speaker cruel on it....I only had a soft case for information technology!! My sis baled me out..I was strapped for greenbacks....and lent me £forty . With it I bought an Eko vi string (a tough piffling number). That was dorsum in 1984...I withal use it to this mean solar day, it still sounds neat! More recently I bought a very flash looking Crafter. Dark blue, cut away ,semi audio-visual..looks cracking,sounds cracking, but it has no soul. I always run back to my Eko.
Oh yeah ..and equally Katlaughing might remember,I simply got back together with me aul' Dulcimer (Appalachian)after 5 years....Having a whale of a time with information technology now.
I retrieve I should get out more!!
Oiche mhaith!

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Subject field: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Bobert
Date: 01 December 02 - 08:45 PM

TO ALL CATTERS: Congrates on not draggin' up a agglomeration of one-time threads, well, unless I missed a couple blueish clickies...

Jazzer-catter: Welcome..

Ahhhh: My just two existent instruments: '35 Gobson Tenor guitar, '63 Martin D-18.

My peak beaters: Fender La Brea, Imperial steel bodied Resonator


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Discipline: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Bee-dubya-ell
Date: 02 December 02 - 01:58 AM

Instrumentwise, I play several stringed instruments including guitar, 5-string banjo, tenor banjo, bouzouki, mandolin, dobro, hammer dulcimer, and autoharp. I listed the guitars in my collection in a previous thread. Click here if you lot wanna see what they are. Stylewise, I play Irish gaelic and one-time-fourth dimension music in a couple of groups, mostly swing music when just playing for myself, bluegrass when I have to, and just about annihilation except rap and heavy metal if I'm just picking with friends.


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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Greycap
Appointment: 02 Dec 02 - 03:11 AM

D-28, D-18, Santa Cruz F-128, Takamine Santa Fe & a Keith Young Autoharp

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Discipline: RE: BS: What Yous Cats Play
From: mooman
Engagement: 02 December 02 - 04:56 AM

Custom Lakewood G-18 acoustic guitar (always open-tuned)

Old Antoria classical guitar

100+ year old French "parlour guitar" (for slide only)

Handmade custom electronics electric guitar (given me every bit a parting present by its maker leaving for more tropical climes)

Chris Eccleshall A.5 "Pearly" mandolin

Terry Docherty octave mandola

Lyon and Healy 1925 brusk-scale tenor banjo

Roland Meinl and Supercussion congas and bongos

Numerous and diverse united nations-named Indian and African drums and other percussion items

Chieftain D whistle

(I also ain a piano and Roland synth but claim fifty-fifty less competence on these than the other instruments!)

I play, in almost equal proportions: traditional Irish and other "Celtic" (ducking!) music, folk (some traditional only mainly gimmicky), blues, some jazz "standards", Latin (mainly salsa), audio-visual "rock" (if one can define such a genre!) and Bonzo Dog Doo Da Band type "goodtime" rock. I as well teach Irish traditional, guitar and mandolin.

In my spare time I piece of work equally science director of a medical association!

All the best


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Subject field: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Lanfranc
Date: 02 Dec 02 - 04:57 AM

Guitars: Martin D18, SPD16, DM12; Washburn Woodstock, EA20-12, J200 copy, WG2S; Yairi Mod twenty Classic, Guild Starfire II and Tanglewood Custom electrics, Outbound Travel Guitar.

Mandolins: Oscar Schmidt, Ozark Electro-Audio-visual

5-String Banjo: Washburn B-7

Appalachian Dulcimer; by George Bowden, Palma, Mallorca

Bowed Psaltery: by Chris Harvey, Woodbridge, Suffolk

Baglama, Saz, Oud

Pianoforte by Steinmayer, Keyboard past Technics

Running out of space in my Den/Office!

Used, with vocals, to produce an eclectic mix of folk, country, early on and 20th C pop music. (including songs by several Canadian songwriters, you'll be pleased to hear - Cohen, Mitchell, Lightfoor, Smith, Tyson etc)


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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Rapparee
Engagement: 02 December 02 - 07:26 AM

A 1929 Conn B-flat trumpet I bought used in 1964, and it still sounds as sweet equally when it came out of the mill -- and I accept an original mouthpiece for it, too.

I'grand trying to regain what I once knew about playing the piano on an electronic keyboard, merely information technology's painfully tedious!

When I play, I play: popular stuff from the '50s and '60s, Irish folk music, Civil War music, folk music from the late '50s and '60s, and so on. I just bought "O'Neill'due south Music Of Ireland" (reprint), and have such titles as the "Mitchell Trio Songbook" "Ton Lehrer Vocal Book" "Songs of Man" and "Songs For Swingin' Housemothers."

A practiced question is "Why Practise You Cats Play?"

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Subject field: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: black walnut
Date: 02 Dec 02 - 07:43 AM

(Amen, Bobert, about the absence of referrals!)

~b.due west.

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Subject: RE: BS: What Yous Cats Play
From: Firecat
Date: 02 December 02 - 04:32 PM


I play cello, bodhran and keyboard and I sing a bit.

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Subject: RE: BS: What You Cats Play
From: Coyote Breath
Engagement: 03 December 02 - 12:17 PM


Welcome to the cat box Jazzyjack.


A Saga kit, 5 string and an Alvarez v cord. The both profoundly modified for old timey thumpiness. (using simply the all-time socks stuffed into the dorsum of the "pots" behind the heads). Both tuned DOWN a full notation; Saga to F and Alvarez to B. The Alvarez some times has nylon strings, the Saga sometimes a steel banjo mute.

A new Gibson Songbird.

A "decal" 'A' model style mandolin

A 15 bar Oscar Schmidt autoharp

a bunch of penny whistles of many dissimilar makes and keys, none were a penny but none were more than $8 (US).

Sometimes an onetime Sears electric organ that I got free.


In Church, at re-enactments and other living history gatherings, on the porch, at our local bar, on the levee downtown and anywhere else I tin can get away with it. Oh and on the street occasionally.


Been doing it since belatedly Bound of 1959. I used to play a stand-up bass in a jazz trio earlier that.


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Bailiwick: RE: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Cleanhead
Appointment: eighteen Mar 03 - 01:16 AM

Martin DM, most of fourth dimension and like Mudlark I sing a bit, and like many singers, my playing power stopped when I could back-trail myself on most of the songs I wanted to sing (sad but true). Again like Mudlark an one-time 60's folkie I sing pretty well whatever, from threescore's folk to a lilliputian rock (I belive much of the best rock will be folk music some day) a footling blues some state and western. But in my opinion yous should play whatsoever sounds best to you. Be it a 200 dollar fender a 3000 dollar martin or taylor or a fifty dollar no name you lot pick up in a yard sale.

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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Mr Happy
Date: xviii Mar 03 - 02:39 AM

keyboard [chord organ], whistles, harmonica, guitar, melodeon, vocalisations

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Subject: RE: What You lot Cats Play
From: Genie
Engagement: eighteen Mar 03 - 07:57 AM

Jerry R., your story most your friend Luke Faust brings to mind the verse form (and song) The Touch Of The Master's Hand .

JJ, I forgot to mention that, having taken iv years of pianoforte lessons back in the pleistocene historic period, I am get-go to pick it up once more (in other words, actually practice sometimes), now that I have a keyboard. I hope to exist able to play it in public again one of these months.


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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Invitee,Steve
Date: 18 Mar 03 - 08:48 AM

Whistles, Northumbrian Smallpipes and sing

I mess around with a flute and some guitars, but not at the same fourth dimension...

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Subject: RE: What Yous Cats Play
From: BuckMulligan
Date: 18 Mar 03 - ten:23 AM

A Gurian, Jumbo, from the pre-burn era (most 1972) whihc I've had since well-nigh 1981. My son & I also just got an Alvarez AJ60SC, which is a mighty sugariness, ballsy guitar for the money. Occasionally he lets me muck around with his Gibson SG or his Strat. Same drill as so many others, leftover 60s folkie, unreconstructed and unapologetic.

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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Sorcha
Date: 18 Mar 03 - x:40 AM

Information technology ain't a guitar, that'south for sure. Maggie the Fiddle is an early on 1900'due south Lyon and Healy motorcar made fiddle with 12:one geared tuning pegs (like a guitar/banjo). Cheap old thing, merely she is a "banjo killer" and I love her! She was Mr.'s grandfathers way dorsum when he played for dances. Well cleaved in............

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Subject: RE: What You lot Cats Play
From: bigchuck
Date: 18 Mar 03 - x:l AM

Guess I missed this one the first time through. Lets see now.....

Guitars: Taylor 710, Gibson Hummingbird, luthier fabricated 12 fret slothead dreadnaught, and I simply got a Guild F-fifty rosewood jumbo that I suspect I'll exist playing a lot.

Other: Vega Little Wonder banjo (by Deering), 1920 Gibson A mandolin, bootleg mandolin, Howe-Orme Mandola, Flatiron Bouzouki, and a couple of old fiddles that I don't practice much with. Generally I play guitar, banjo and mandolin.


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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Piddling Robyn
Engagement: 18 Mar 03 - 06:55 PM

My main instrument now is Northumbrian Smallpipes but I too play piano accordian for the local Morris Dancers and at diddley sessions. My husband usually plays guitar but recently has been playing electrical bass in a diddley band.
Nevertheless, nosotros have a large cupboard full of instruments nosotros have worked our fashion through over the years - various guitars including a lute guitar, 5string banjo, Oscar Schmit autoharp, 3string dulcimer, fiddle, mandolin, minstral's harp, concertina, whistles, recorders, flutes, you name it - it'south probably there.
But no brass!
Oh, we also have a Casio keyboard and there'southward an onetime pedal organ out in the rumpus room. That'due south not to mention the various percussion instruments and the odd indigenous things that turn upwardly in the trade assist shops. If it plays a melody, I'll give information technology a get, and if information technology's not too expensive I'll buy it!

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Subject: RE: What You lot Cats Play
From: Leadfingers
Date: 18 Mar 03 - 07:23 PM

Martin D35(1969)had from new,Tanglewood Globe poseur guitar,Maya v
string resonator banjo,Docherty Mandolin,all with WHITE Calton cases.
A set of Chieftan Aluminium whistles,a set of Tony Dixon plastic whistles,Mid 20's Dallas open up back 5 string,Mid twenty's Vega COPY short
calibration tenor banjo,Gianni Mandolin,Adulation Ukulele,Melody Maker mando
banjo,Antoria Semi-acoustic 333 copy guitar,Home fabricated (by a Friend)
Bass Guitar,Ozark Banjola,C and G Hohner chromatic Harmonicas,most of a set of Shaw whistles,and a vocalism similar broken coke bottles being crushed nether a door.Two P A set ups,and total Equity membership.Yes,
the fools actually pay me to play oftentimes enough.

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Bailiwick: RE: What You lot Cats Play
From: Mudlark
Appointment: 18 Mar 03 - 10:15 PM

I've read thru this whole thread once again but for the fun of seeing all these great instruments being named and talked about...and evidently cherished. What a rush...

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Subject: RE: What You lot Cats Play
From: JohnInKansas
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 03:33 AM

I started with a Martin Bb Tenor saxophone (co-ordinate to the mill, made 5 years before I was born), added a King Eb Alto Sax and a Selmer Bb clarinet sometime along the way in loftier school.

Unfortunately, my kids take played all of the higher up - without adept maintenance - so the pads have all fallen out and they are all currently unplayable. The above is somewhat irrelevant since my teeth all roughshod out and I couldn't play them now anyway.

I acquired a "total rack" of p'whistles (C, G, D, A, F, Bb, ...) somewhere during my early on festival days, when I was noted for never missing a note while sipping my beer and non dropping my cig.

Somewhere else forth the line I picked upward a fairly full gear up of harmonicas - currently missing only a good C to be able to not play very well in any fundamental.

During the early years of festival going I got my showtime mando - a Washburn A style, and on one occasion got drunk enough to remember I was playing it. Several in the campsite were also drunk plenty to think the same, just when I sobered upwards the next day I plant that it was a totally recalcitrant instrument from which ordinary humans could not coax music - and then I entered semi retirement in the mando performance area for a few years. (And enjoyed a picayune more music and a lot less "drunkard" at the festivals.)

While on a work transfer from Kansas to Seattle, I met a sweetness young thing who had an urge to visit her female parent in Texas, so on the way to taking her at that place we stopped at my favorite festival in Winfield Kansas, where she became enamored of "music stuff" and bought a kit for a mountain dulcimer - which of form I was delegated to assemble. Nosotros tripped dorsum from Seattle for the next 3 yr's festivals, and then moved back to Kansas but to cut the travel time.

Her interest in "music stuff" led to a revival of my mando career, and ultimately to a much more than expensive Vega F-style - currently unplayable because the knobs all crumbled and savage off the tuners.

Three mountain dulcimers, hand congenital. One new purchased "pretty" laptop dulcimer for the loved i. One (and perchance the merely in existence) double bass washtub bass (two tubs). Ane no-name Chinese standup bass. One Washburn acoustic-electric bass guitar. A Stagi English Concertina (her venture into the world of chromaticity). And a couple of keyboards used mostly for notation input.

And my current number one instrument - a no-name all plywood A-style mandolin, currently sporting a bridgecap whittled out of a clothespin when the original cracked on the second twenty-four hours of terminal twelvemonth'due south festival.

Fortunately, I only play for my own enjoyment - and so I accept none of that "conquering syndrome" stuff to debate with.


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Subject: RE: What Yous Cats Play
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 03:49 AM

Columbus Washboard Company "Maidrite" stainless steel washboard; metal thimbles (probably from John Lewis) mixture of large & medium sizes; quart scrumpy jug (drinking glass);Chinese-made "Victory" harmonica in unknown central (for railroad train noises only); anonymous metal kazoo replacing longserving Christmas cracker plastic one which finally died (these two on neck rack); voice made for mime. All stored in cotton "Laskarina Holidays" shopping handbag with Mudcat patch on.

(chutzpah no substitute for ability)

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Field of study: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Wesley S
Appointment: xix Mar 03 - 09:thirteen AM

1967 Martin D-18
1999 Martin OM-28V
198? Lowden 12 string
2002 Collings 000 Slothead
1999 Weber Bridger
2001 Davy Stewart Octave Mandolin
Mid-Missouri Thou-4 mandolin { for sale }
An uncertain era Vega star v-string
One mount dulcimer

Currently on a quest for an "F" style mandolin { that's why the OM-28V and the M-4 are for sale } and there's bound to be a Uke in my future.

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Subject: RE: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Mooh
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 09:30 AM


Welcome. You're right, this has been discussed before but alot can modify in a short time, so...

I play traditional, roots, folk, blues, vocalizer-songwriter stuff, some classical, hymn tunes, and when the spirit strikes, a bit of loud jam style stone music.

I use: Beneteau 6 string acoustic guitar, Beneteau 12 cord acoustic guitar, Beneteau half-dozen string baritone acoustic guitar, Moon celtic style mandolin, cheap Washburn mandolin, Washburn v string banjo, Telecaster electrical guitar, cheap uke, Harmony Sovereign flat tiptop lap guitar, habitation made steel guitar, dwelling house made bass guitar, headless bass guitar, 5 cord Ernie Ball electrical bass guitar, Harmony archtop guitar, plywood double bass, old German language fiddle, autoharp, diverse harmonicas, pennywhistles, Yamaha keyboard, La Patrie classical guitar, various hand drums, several guitars in various states of decay or repair, lots of shakers, spoons, tambourine, melodica, vocalism.

I will sometimes accept donations of beater instruments which I tin repair and make bachelor for sale or permanent loan to more needy students.

I play in southern Ontario Canada with a casual celtoidish group named Kerrykeel, a fiddle/guitar duo named Guiddle M'Jig, a vocaliser-songwriter duo named The Preachers' Sons, and I hire out as a mercenary musician for hire when I'm not instructing music (nearly 25 hours per week) or working a part-time grunt job for the local public school board (give thanks goodness for its benefit plan!). Have also played in stone encompass bands, reception music bands, dance outfits, and a Neil Young tribute band. I sing bass in the local Anglican church choir.

So much music, so little fourth dimension.

Peace, Mooh.

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Field of study: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Jim Colbert
Date: 19 Mar 03 - x:21 AM

Main guitar: 2000 Taylor 414 with a Fishman active pickup installed

dadgad tuning guitar: 1997 Taylor 414-k (limited edition koa model)
2001 Baby Taylor

Also take an Ovation celebrity (crap unplugged sound just the guitar that got me playing and allowed me to easily record at dwelling for the first time) and an old, unnamed Hungarian 12-fret that was my wife'south grandfathers. Oh yeah, and a National lap steel that was my mom's.

We accept a few open up mic nights at area bars here in Country College PA, simply by and large they are of little involvement to me (likewise tardily, too smoky, as well much of a college crowd.) I've been seeking out alternative venues in the surface area, and play every now and and so at area coffee houses and bookstores. My next gig is Friday May 2 at a java house; I played their open mic night and was offered a job on the spot, which was kinda cool.


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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Steve Benbows protege
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 12:16 PM

Main Folk guitar : Gibson sj delux.
2nd folk guitar : One thousand Yairi. - A well made underated guitar!!
Main jazz guitar: Epiphone Regent./ Maccaferi copy; made by my dad!
2nd jazz guitar: Aria cardinal series.- electric model; cs 350.
Stone guitar: Fender squire strat.
violin: Maidstone model.
Mandolin: Fender
Classical guitar: Yamato - bought from Ivor moraints shop.
Accordian: Hohner cajun.
Harmonicas:'Tombo harmonicas' Folk dejection.
Banjo: Hobgoblin music shops ain brand.

That's only the tip of the Iceberg!!

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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Jazzyjack
Appointment: 19 Mar 03 - 03:23 PM

WoW; When I started this thread, I thought I would discover the FEW instruments eveyone played. How the hell did folkies suddenly get to beget all this stuff? We're supposed to exist poor working class guys and gals ( like Woody, Pete or Gordon ) just boy am I surprised. Makes me wish we could stage a NORTH AMERICAN MUDCAT FESTIVAL somewhere and all meet and play. Anyone interested ?

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Discipline: RE: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Washboard Wiggle
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 04:18 PM

It would exist great to have Mudcat Festival. I am a picker/collector, here is my list. I merely had to copy and paste my inventory list.
one. Taylor Liberty Tree
2. Goodall KJCK (All Koa Forest)
three. Morgan Concert CRW Custom (All Koa Wood)
iv. National Guitar Custom Koa (All Koa Wood)
five. Taylor KLSM (All Koa Wood)
half dozen. Taylor K22 (All Koa Wood)
7. Larrivee VC-10K (All Koa Wood)
viii. Larrivee DV-10KK (All Koa Wood)
9. Taylor K65CE (All Koa Woods)
x. Taylor 910
eleven. Taylor K20C (All Koa Wood)
12. Taylor RSSM (All Koa Woods)
thirteen. Tacoma PKK-40 (All Koa Wood)
fourteen. Taylor K22 (All Koa Woods)
15. National Guitar 1935 Mode "O" (Alcoa-just kiddin' information technology's brass)
16. Martin SPD-16K2 (All Koa Wood)
17. Taylor 420-K (All Koa Forest)
xviii. Harp Guitar   Real Sometime
19. Ovation 6868-ASB
20. Martin Cowboy X
21. Larrivee Parlor (All Koa Forest)
22. Dobro Duolian 1998
23. Derring Banjo Boston 6 Cord
24. Martin DM-12 12 String
25. Martin HD-28 1980
26. Martin Cowboy Ii
27. Martin Cowboy Iii
28. Larrivee US-10-KA Uke (All Koa Wood)
29. Martin Hawaiian X
30. Taylor Baby Liberty Tree
31. Epiphone Masterbilt Imperial 1931
32. Ovation/Applause Mandolin
33. Esteve Classical FV Nylon String
34. Taylor 301-K (Dorsum/Sides Koa Wood)
35. Taylor 301-M
36. Fender Squire Strat
37. Carlo 905-D
38. Cowboy Loye - Cowboy Guitar 1930

I am still looking for guitars made from all Koa wood. Anyone have any for sale?


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Subject: RE: What You lot Cats Play
From: curmudgeon
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 05:44 PM

Took piano for 7 years; can still play, sort of, but don't accept one. I have 3 autoharps in various stats of disrepair; can play but don't.. Accept tried banjo and dabble, but thought better of it.

My start guitar was a Stella, had for 3 3/4 books of TV stamps. Moved to a Harmony classical, then to a Harmony Sovereign. a modest body Gibson 12 string, a Martin 12 string and now a Guild D?, and a wonderful Lachenal New Model English concertina.

I do mainly English language, Scottish, Irish, trad songs along with some Canadian and Australian, American and English matrimony songs, all manner of sea songs, and a modest number of lyrica erotica -- Tom

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Subject: RE: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Nib D
Date: nineteen Mar 03 - 05:59 PM

Since the USA is and so big, there are several gatherings organized and attended by Mudcatters, though none 'limited' to Mudcatters.

Perhaps the biggest is the Folklore Society of Greater Washington'south annual "Getaway" in October, where you tin sometimes see Max, Dick Greenhaus, Pene Azul, MMario, and upwards to 60-70 more. You don't say where YOU are JazzyJack, but folks come up from great distances, and we 'might' exist able to squeeze in one more... *grin*

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Subject: RE: What Y'all Cats Play
From: Don Firth
Date: 19 Mar 03 - 06:32 PM

I've had a whole variety of guitars over the years, but the current stable of instruments consists of:—

A flamenco guitar, fabricated by Arcangel Fernandes of Madrid in 1961. A friend of mine, one of the founders of the Seattle Classic Guitar Society who fabricated regular yearly trips to Espana, brought an Arcangel flamenco back with him in 1960. Once I played his, I had to have one. He put me in bear on with Fernandez and a year-and-a half afterwards, my new guitar arrived from Madrid past air freight. Fantastic instrument! I've used mine for everything: song accessory, classical, and even a bit of flamenco (had some lessons in 1962 from a genuine flamenco guitarist). Butter-soft action, powerful audio, crisp and articulate and warm, wide dynamic range, and peachy for concerts because it goes all the way to the back wall. I learned that "Arcangels" had become the guitar of choice for almost of the well-known flamenco guitarists. Fernandez is all the same making guitars, but he'due south back-ordered for years to come up. This has made the price of used Arcangels in good condition soar. I found out recently that mine is at present worth well-nigh 100 times what I paid for it! I'm scared to accept information technology out of the house. THIS one was made many years after mine, simply information technology looks only like it.

A Guitarra Artesana, made in Japan, imported by concert guitar maker José Oribé, inspected, labeled by him, and approved for auction under his name. It has a full, rich, concert guitar sound, and it'southward a dead-ringer for a José Ramirez. It non only looks like ane, it sounds similar one. In fact, I played a recital for the Seattle Classic Guitar Society some years ago, and the folks there (some of whom own Ramirezes) causeless that mine was besides a concert Ramirez. It looks like THIS.

Two odd-balls, both "Go-GW" travel guitars. I got stuck in a wheelchair about twelve years ago, and it's not existent easy to play a guitar while sitting in a wheelchair. The lower bout of the guitar and the correct wheel of the chair both endeavor to occupy the aforementioned infinite, which tends to throw the guitar out of position and makes it hard to hold. Most a year and a half ago, I bought my first "Become" travel guitar from Sam Radding of San Diego (he taught Bob Taylor how to brand guitars). The "Get" is small and looks like a cross between a guitar and a canoe paddle, but it sounds amazingly like a real guitar. Radding makes both nylon and steel-cord "Go" guitars, and their sound is surprisingly full and rich for such small instruments (33.25" long, 8" wide, and 3.25" deep). I liked the classic so much that I bought one of the steel-strings. Used with the neck-strap, I can play them while in the wheelchair without their coming into conflict with the wheel. Very handy. I keep i or the other of them inside arm's reach all the time.

Sam Radding also makes ii small-scale parlor guitars (nylon and steel string, differing slightly from each other in size and pattern), simply these have to be special ordered. I've heard great things about the nylon-string one, and since information technology may exist modest enough to piece of work for me, (12" broad at the lower bout) I'm thinking seriously about ordering one.

I used to play a bit of 5-string banjo and at one time I had a long-necked Vega Seeger Model. I didn't actually play information technology that much, though, and I eventually sold it to a guy who coveted it, and who could actually play.

I also take a laud, a Spanish instrument that sounds like a mandolin on steroids (click & scroll downward), but I haven't figured information technology out yet.

Don Firth

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Subject: RE: What You Cats Play
From: Musket
Date: 05 May 11 - 01:27 PM

Most cats play with their fundamentals then cough up fur brawl.

Me? I play a Rainsong OM10, a Martin D45, a Yamaha APX7-12, A Jim Harley dreadnought and a nondescript banjo, (before long in bits....)

"Steamin' Willie" every bit he calls himself is a mate of mine and when I saw his Rainsong in action, had to have ane. To be fair, I rarely if at all play any of the others now. My son has the Martin at present and I'm not missing it.

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